Pētniecības projekta nosaukums: Nr. F-JP2-21 “Primāro šūnu zarnas uz čipa modelis perorāli lietojamo medikamentu efekta novērtēšanai uz zarnu cilmes šūnām”
Pētniecības projekts tiek īstenots SIA “Farmācijas, biomedicīnas un medicīnas tehnoloģiju kompetences centrs” projekta Nr. ietvaros
This project aims to develop a personalised NSCLC patient lung cancer on chip (LCoC) and lung on chip (LoC) as a model system where to test the efficacy of drug-loaded patient-derived MSC produced EVs compared to the drug by itself.
This project aims at developing a radically new technology for non-invasive detection and monitoring of prostate cancer (PC) based on label-free quantification of PC-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) and analysis of their RNA content. This technology will combine a multi-stage microfluidic system with optical resonators and novel reagents – nanobodies allowing to capture, quantify and analyse the RNA cargo of specific PC-derived EV subpopulations in the blood or urine.
This project aims to overcome technical challenges when working with organ on chip models in biological safety level 3 (BSL3) environment and microgravity by developing enclosed test system capable of cultivating cells and be compatible with BLS3 workflow and microgravity systems.
The project aims to improve the cultivation of patient-derived cell cultures in OOC (Organ-on-Chip) equipment by applying real-time machine learning algorithms to microfluidics and using light-field microscopy, transepithelial electrical resistance, and O2 sensor data.