
Organ-On-A-Chip (OOC) Image Dataset for Machine Learning and Tissue Model Evaluation

Cellbox Labs in collaboration with Latvian Biomedical Research and Study centre and Institute of Electronics and Computer Science have released new article about machine learning in organ-on-chip technology as a valuable tool in tissue evaluation. Image-based machine learning serves as a valuable tool for enhancing and monitoring OOC models in real-time. This paper presents an image dataset, containing cell images generated from OOC setup with different cell types. There are 3072 images generated by an automated brightfield microscopy setup, including parameters such as cell type, seeding density, time after seeding and flow rate.This dataset can be used as a basis for training machine learning classifiers for automated data analysis generated from an OOC setup providing more reliable tissue models, automated decision-making processes within the OOC framework and efficient research in the future. Read our newest article here:

Cellbox Labs gut on chip
Cellbox Labs gut on chip

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