
Development of Organ-on-a-Chip System with Continuous Flow in Simulated Microgravity

Scientists from Cellbox Labs, Latvian Biomedical Research and Study centre, Litegrav and Riga Technical University introduce lung cancer on chip model to demonstrate the succesful development of a system capable of providing continuous flow in organ-on-a-chip models within RPM, thereby paving a new pathway for research for research under dyanamic microgravity conditions. In this publication, validation of microgravity was demonstrated for the 3D MSRC system employed in this study. The results show that A549 cell viability decreased under microgravity in continuous flow in comparison to normogravity under continuous flow, although cell viability in microgravity conditions was less affected in the OOC model compared to static conditions. Read our newest article here:

Cellbox Labs gut on chip
Cellbox Labs gut on chip

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