
Cellbox Labs partner in Eurostars project: Healthy Ageing and Resilience through Microbiome Optimization, Nutrition, and Immunity Support

We're thrilled to announce that Cellbox Labs in collaboration with Embion Technologies and Latvian Biomedical Research and Study centre initiate Eurostarts project: HARMONIS. Our consortium is focused on transforming the longevity market via immune supporting supplements by introducing a pioneering product tailored to meet the needs of the elderly population. The current project will create a versatile tool to understand the microbiome condition while novel supplement will support immune system in the population, thus directly impacting overall health and life quality. Embion Technologies will create a one-of-a-kind potent, 100% natural, single origin, low dose, multicomponent plant-based supplement utilizing the disruptive catalytic technology. Selected lead will undergo preclinical tests on microbiome/metabolome modulation by using donor derived microbiota and advanced in vitro test using gut on chip technology developed by Cellbox Labs.

Cellbox Labs gut on chip
Cellbox Labs gut on chip

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